
What makes a brand?  A brand is a collection of symbols, experiences and associations connected with a product , a service , a person or any other artifact or entity.  However, a company’s brand identity definition is so much more than just a name, logo, color palette, and preferred fonts.  It is the IDENTITY of the business to the world.  Small businesses tend to either pick a name very quickly without thinking about the future marketing implications or struggle for weeks trying to come up with the perfect name.  Both approaches typically yield the same result…wasted time and money.

Lavasite Productions is well versed in all the corporate identity brand building challenges of small businesses.  The key here is to develop and finalize your corporate branding as quickly and efficiently as possible while maintaining the appropriate long-term view of the business.  For example, is the website address still available or what about the trademark?

When it comes to branding, we can do it all…Trademark/Copyright searches, Website domain searches, Logo design, Style guides, Corporate identity manual, Marketing collateral, Merchandising, and Signage.  As with all projects, we meet your challenges head on.  So whether you need help getting started or feel it’s necessary to do some polishing of your existing branding, we have the expertise and know how to get it done.  Just call us the practical branding consultancy.