This is where most of our client relationships begin. A prospective client approaches us stating they really need a sales and marketing plan. Oftentimes, this evolves to the crafting of their branding and business plans. The branding and business plans are the foundation from which a small business marketing strategy can be built. Without the foundation, the entire marketing house (and business itself) can crumble.… Read More...
What is search engine optimization and why do you care? Small businesses need traffic NOW whether that is physical or virtual or both. Time is of the essence because the entrepreneur has already built it. The customers must come. So much of our world has shifted online even if our business is still in the “real” world. Every business large or small should have a good handle on their respective search engine results. … Read More...
Every business needs a website. Simply because without one you are absolutely losing potential revenue. Something no business especially a small business can afford. However, we understand that on the seemingly never-ending list of things the entrepreneur needs to get done, it’s tough for website development to reach the top of the list. Lavasite Productions provides the entrepreneur with a clear and concise website development how to. … Read More...